Rise Above Development, Lavender Hill

Working with past and current gang members in Lavender Hill to understand how creativity can make a difference



The scars of apartheid forced removals run deep in Lavender Hill, Cape Flats. Today, young people find themselves abandoned and without hope, as the community is blighted by gang and drug affiliated violence, with a higher murder rate per capita than active war zones like Yemen.


In Place Of War has recently secured funding to create a new cultural space in the heart of Lavender Hill to provide arts and entrepreneurial programmes to the community, so they can help transform a culture of violence into hope, opportunity and freedom.


Following on from a community consultation one year ago, In Place Of War engaged a local architects company Tsai Design Company who are designing a unique space in collaboration with the community. The space will be situated on a disused sports field and will be multi purpose with a performance venue, equipment, training and opportunities for young people.


The CASE Programme